JavaScript Engineer

Sr. JavaScript Engineer


? Unlimited holidays
? Unlimited home-office
⏰ Only 4h/week of meetings
? Startup-culture
? No cheating on the code
? Modern cloud big-data technologies

Our senior team needs “Dan Abramov’s younger brother.” ? A buddy who will challenge us and help us to master our craft.

You should be versed in developing a complex React.Js app and Node.Js backend, applying best practices for clean, healthy, and maintainable code such as Domain-Driven Design and SOLID. You’d worked in CI/CD environment with multiple teams integrating into the same master daily. Ideally, you have experience with AWS services, and even better if you are comfortable in PHP too. You’d appreciate “you build it, you run it” approach and see value in pair programming. You should feel comfortable acting as a technical lead and be a true team player.

You will add new features, refactor some legacy, improve scalability for high traffic and high availability, and occasionally fix some production incidents out of business hours. Your team strives to master the craft, exercises writing software as teamwork, and values self-organization over management and bureaucracy. The daily language is Czech, but you need to able to switch to English anytime.

  • React 16
  • TypeScript
  • Node.JS
  • Jest & React Testing Library
  • CreateReactApp
  • Storybook.JS
  • ESLint, Prettier
  • Docker
  • Github Actions
  • Ansible
Engineering practices
  • Clean code
  • PRs < 500 changed lines
  • Trunk-based development
  • Continuous integration & Delivery
  • Feature toggles
  • Code review by two more people
  • Domain-Driven Design

I love my job. I’m working on the interesting project with great people around me. My colleagues are my friends. A great benefit is unlimited holidays and the possibility of remote work.
— Jindrich, Sr. JavaScript Engineer

Perks you will enjoy

? Unlimited holidays
? Unlimited home-office
? Hackathons 4x a year
? PluralSight account
?? Daily usage of English
☕️ Espresso & filter equipment
? Showers & washing machine
⚽️ Foosball, PlayStation & Ping Pong
? Big projector for movie nights
?‍? Equipped kitchen for cooking breakfast
? Meal vouchers